Friday, March 17

prayer request

hey there~

just got a call from my mom and a good family friend was involved in a car accident last night. his name is heath, i used to babysit him for years, he's not supposed to be old enough to's crazy! he was flight-for-lifed to greeley (the closest big hospital to my hometown) over night. he has broken his pelvis in numerous places, broken his jaw, and torn his liver among other more minor things. they are also watching for brain swelling.

please pray for his COMPLETE and MIRACULOUS HEALING. also pray for his family (mike, mary, abby, anne, heather, and anthony) as they go through this. they are an amazing family, and will run to God in the midst of this. pray that His love will surround them and give them peace - that they will praise Him in the midst of this storm.

thanks warriors!

Thursday, March 16

sinners un-anonymous

After a week reflecting on the fact that we're all addicts to our own "drug" of choice, i'm convinced that i want to one day provoke a movement (not another silly church business who's ultimate end is "budgets, bodies, & buildings"). If it needed a name, we'd called it "sinners un-anonymous", where there would be no more religous activity that would continue to promote the silly facades that we are super-spiritual, perfect models of human existence with no moral failures. It would be basically a 12-step program for everyone... where all of us admit our lack of ability to control our addiction to being in control and to pride: the tendency to view, and behave according to the viewpoint, that holds myself at the center of the universe and everyone else (including God) revolving around me.

yep, I'm in... it starts now.

"Hello, my name is Stacey Wisdom and I'm a SIN-AHOLIC... an addict to myself who is out-of-control trying to be IN control."

"God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change... Courage to change the things I can... and Wisdom to know the difference... Living one day at a time... Enjoying one moment at a time... Accepting hardship as the pathway to peace... Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it... Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His will... That I may be reasonably happy in this life... And supremely happy with Him in the next. AMEN."

(now THAT would be CHURCH!)
written by my friend Rusty...

Thursday, March 2

Miss Tammy Rubright!!

Hi friends!!
Many of you will remember a couple of Wednesdays back when Tammy told us about the mission trip she is going on over Spring Break. I want to encourage you each to think about giving to help support her in this! She isn't headed some place tropical for the typical Spring Break...she's going to be going about the FATHER'S business during her break! How cool is that - AND, you can help by financially supporting her! If everyone in our youth group gave just $5 she would be well on her way to being fully supported (that's just one night at McDonalds, my friends! and it'll save you 1000 calories in your day!).

We have a duty as the Body of Christ to make this happen...seriously! He calls some to actually go into the field, and others to make that happen! Think about it - k?

I'll have an envelope at church on Sunday and at youth group next Wednesday - let's bless Tammy by helping send her to Detroit to be Christ's hands to the people she will come in contact with!!!