Thursday, November 10

Alicia Coon....Carolyn Siovaila....and Stephanie Porter

So to continue on with Pastor Jim's challenge to encourage one another....I'd like to present three incredible young women:

Alicia Coon - This girl can pray the house down! God has sooo given you a heart to reach out to others and show them why they are valued and loved. You easily and cheerfully step up to the plate to help lead things...and you are particularly awesome with some of the younger (i.e., junior high) girls. I love to see you reaching out to new people when they come in on Wednesday nights!! Keep seeking guidance from Him and opportunities to lead both in the youth ministry and at school!

Carolyn Sioviola - Whenever I see you, you have a smile on your face and you're ready to help out in any way that you can! I LOVE hearing you talk about the relationship you have with your mom, I wish I had the wisdom to understand how amazing my mother is when I was your age! You are such an encouragement to others, and always have meaningful things to say in our group discussions. I really appreciate your willingness to help out and serve others!

Stephanie Porter - I know you've been busy lately with the play, but can I tell you how exciting it was to see you again last night?! Your enthusiasm and free-spirit are refreshing in our youth group! I love the heart you have for others - I think it's incredible how, when faced with a problem, your first thought is to take it to the cross! Thanks for setting that example for all of us! I love watching you and Beth interact as sisters - having 2 incredible sisters myself, I often see us in the two of you. Keep pushing each other closer to Christ!! As you face crazy decisions this year, keep looking to Him for guidance!

We as leaders really appreciate your faithfulness to our youth group and your willingness to step out of your comfort zone to get to know the Lord better! I love to see you each loving the Lord so much! I pray that God will provide for each of you, situations where you can use the gifts He has given you to bring glory to His name!


At 7:08 AM, Blogger Stacey Gaines (Wisdom) said...

oops - sorry! :-)


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