Ok, why is it that christians say that thye don't listen to seclure music and yet they know every word to the songs. it really gets me when people start singing to the song and u ask them if they know what it means and they say no. for all they know they are singing to a song about someone having sex. then u get the responds that are "oh, i just like the beat." it doesn't matter if u like the beat or not u are still listening to the song which then the words are getting inside ur head. i am not just preaching to everyone except me. i have been caught up in the moment once in awhile. why do we keep on doing it though. leave a comment or email me and tell me what u think.
Wow - that's so true Alicia...isn't it crazy how satan lies to us to get us to rationalize why we do certain things? we can sit here and say we just like the beat or sound of something, and it's his way of seeping into our thoughts. i'm reminded of a verse i memorized at the beginning of the semester, "we demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of GOD, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to CHRIST" (2 cor 10:3)'s like by listening to a song, we are welcoming into our minds the message of that song - but God calls us to take every thought captive, part of which i think is to "filter" what we allow to come into our minds. Hey - thanks for nailing that home for's definitely something we all struggle with!
i agree with u stacey. it is something we all struggle with. it just hit home last night. thanks for responding
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